10 Ways to Write More Effective Ads

10 Ways to Write More Effective Ads

Advertising is salesmanship multiplied.
Nothing more.
And advertising copy, or copywriting, is salesmanship in print. The purpose of a copywriter’s job is to sell. Period. The selling is accomplished by persuasion with the written word, much like a television commercial sells (if done properly) by persuading with visuals and audio. Focus on Them, Not You When a prospect reads your ad, letter, brochure, etc., the one thing he will be wondering from the start is: “what’s in it for me?” And if your copy doesn’t tell him, it’ll land in the trash faster than he can read the headline or lead. A lot of advertisers make this mistake. They focus on them as a company. How long they’ve been in business, who their biggest customers are, how they’ve spent ten years of research and millions of dollars on developing this product

Emphasize Benefits, Not Features
What are features? They are descriptions of what qualities a product possesses.
Push Their Emotional Hot Buttons
This is where research really pays off. Because in order to push those
buttons, you need to first know what they are.

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